
The Center of Disruptive Ministry Innovation

Coaching Acknowledgement for Interns

LeadershipEdges has made an arrangement that you receive coaching from Dr. Paul Moon for two hours every week during your internship program. It proceeds through Zoom, WhatsApp, or phone. The hours are spread over three days of your choice as shown in the form. We know Dr. Moon may modify such allocation differently as it fits in your work progress. You are requested to acknowledge his coaching support through the following online form every week. If there should be any feedback, please use the space in the form:
Please select all the weeks applicable(Required)
Did you reach your goals (1 as the lowest, 5 as the highest)?(Required)
Did coaching help you reach your goals (1 as the lowest, 5 as the highest)?(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Get in touch

3 Germay Drive, Wilmington, DE 19804
ph: (302) 793-9101

Work inquiries

ph: (302) 793-9101

LeadershipEdges provides a Disruptive Ministry Diffusion framework and organizational development services for digital transformation and culturally competent leadership development.

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FREE Organizational Cultural Assessment Instrument

Please fill out this form to get the link for the FREE OCAI questionnaire. Once done, we will give you a free coaching session to interpret the results and explore leadership and congregational development direction. 

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